Battery snap info for model moto g stylus 5G (2022)

Do you want insights of your Android phone's battery usage or clues to your over-consumption? Just download Battery snap on Google play, the free Android application.

Battery usage reports for Android phones

Overview of histories for model moto g stylus 5G (2022) from Motorola

Device First
Restarts Average
duration between
(in days)
duration between
(in days)
Awake ratio(1)
(lower is better)
Battery history for moto g stylus 5G (2022) device 319 12 11.5 11.5 0.958 38.0 27.5 88.3
Battery history for moto g stylus 5G (2022) device 31393 148 0.4 0.4 0.837 42.0 27.2 66.5
Battery history for moto g stylus 5G (2022) device 28788 84 2.0 2.0 0.817 40.0 27.2 66.7

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(1) The awake ratio is the amount of time the device (here an Android tablet or smartphone) spends not "sleeping". When the device sleeps, most of its components are inactive. The screen is inactive, the main processor is inactive. This is the reason why it uses very few battery in this state. Having a big awake ratio means that the device is always doing something. This is often caused by background applications. This can also mean that the device is plugged and is charging. While awake, most of its components are active and the device's life length will be affected. If it happens that your device awake ratio is high, consider finding what applications are constantly working in background, likely for useless purpose. Consider also unplugging your device when its battery is full or almost full. You will see that your battery life will increase and you will keep your device up running for a long time with no need to replace the battery.